written and directed: Stepan Zalesak
DOP: Milan Chadima
Sound: Bojan Bojic
production: Ludek Kriz
postproduction: RRH

After the Velvet Revolution, ODS was the strongest Czech right wing party—to its detriment. It was so strong that during the following years it attracted many opportunists that came into politics solely to make money for themselves. In recent years, after a series of many scandals, ODS fell to the very bottom of voter preferences. This has had the fortunate result of the scoundrels running to more lucrative parties. ODS then chose a new leader in Professor Petr Fiala. Since his appointment, the party has turned around and is rising slowly but surely in voter confidence. My task was to write and direct a self-aware story that reflected the fall and potential rise of the party. The village name is Řítka, which means "bottom" in Czech. Famous Slovakian actor Marian Labuda is in the ad and Professor Fiala plays himself.